25 Year Remembrance Event

25 Year Remembrance Event

Category : Uncategorized

The M 7.2 Cape Mendocino earthquake of April 25, 1992 and its M 6.5 and 6.6 aftershocks caused over $60 million in losses and was the only Humboldt County earthquake to gain a FEMA major disaster declaration.

On April 29th, the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group and the City of Eureka invites the public to a free program recounting what happened in 1992, the causes and geologic effects and how these earthquakes changed perceptions of the Cascadia subduction zone and the US West Coast tsunami hazard.

The program will include short presentations suitable for a general audience, photographs and video footage, preparedness information and an opportunity to share your experiences.

Read more on the Event Page here.

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